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Hey @k00b, there's this guy who keeps posting weird / irrelevant stuff on ~mostly_harmless w/ freebie accounts to the extent that it seems like a purposeful "attack", albeit the world's dumbest attack. It has forced me to turn on moderation to keep the SNR high. How many freebies do people actually get?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe stackers can now have unlimited freebies, but freebie posts/comments aren't seen by everyone until they get zapped - limited to those with greeter mode enabled.
This didn't use to be the case. Stackers used to have a limited amount of freebies (2, IIRC?).
It also looks like you can disallow freebies in your territory. Not that you necessarily want to do that, but it appears to be an option.
I just happened to see this question so decided to chime in. I am in no way an expert.
Maybe we should remove free posts all together but keep free comments.
Or make it so that if someone posts / comments something on a freebie that gets outlawed, it removes freebie-posting for exponentially-increasing amounts of time?
Doesn't stop throwaway accounts.
I like this idea.
Well, you gave me more than I had -- thanks!
Now I need to wrestle with whether to disable freebies. This is why we can't have nice things :(
You're welcome!
Somebody always ruins everything...
I think you get a freebie if you’re at 0 sats, so basically infinite if they just empty their wallet, or am I wrong?
Yes, this is bad for SN. Instead of making hard to post shit, is making it easy for hoards of shitcoiners to throw shit. This slowly will convert SN into another shithole like reddit.
This slowly will convert SN into another shithole like reddit.
Was thinking the exact same thing. Paying a few sats stops spammers cold.