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Let's hear some of your latest Bitcoin purchases, feel free to include links to the shops or merchants you bought from too. If you missed our last thread, here are some of the items stackers recently spent their sats on.
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I but stuff on satscrap, but am looking at some items here to purchase!
that's why we are watering the ~AGORA, ideally with a network of P2P IRL people that contribute to the Bitcoin Circular economy
I buy stuff, but not butt stuff.
Again Bought some dog food for my cute pet. When the packet arrived, she was like 'Hey, you better give it to me now'
You doggy it's happy and want to get it!
not quite a purchase, but i told a chef who makes bacon that if he wants a tip, he can setup a coinos.io account. the next day he did, and i sent him some sats.
otherwise i recently got local honey, maple syrup, tallow, and pesto directly for sats
Hopefully is a good start for him to get into it and see the value of the tips change along time.
Keep us updated!
SN territory
People buy stuff with bitcoin?
Yes, I allocate some of my fiat bills or cash that I would use on groceries to btc and it’s great to see the prices I’m paying for everything drop when paying with bitcoin
yes dear, of course! you?
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that's cool! All from the same merchant?
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