As I'm doing all this, I've adopted a mentality of "I am serving my family". This is part of our life, it sucks a lot, and more problems are always going to get piled on top - but we have great support, we have friends bringing us meals, taking the kids, helping however they can. I feel lucky, in the scheme of the world and and know that in 5 or 10 years we'll talk about this and I'll think "damn, it wasn't really that hard" - partly due to the way time softens everything and partly because it is all an opportunity to grow. I love my family. Please give yours the same.
I've been following your articles for long now and I feel that this is the best sum up of everything that you've been through these hard times.
I believe it's not that you only learn when you experience something but the bitter or sweet any type other people's experiences teach you a lot. I respect that you shared everything here so honestly and I also feel grateful.
This is very much how I feel too.
I really appreciate that you share this with us, @hodlpleb. It connects me to parts of my humanity that don't get engaged very often.
We're thinking about you and your family, we're rooting for you, and we're proud of you.
hear hear