Didn’t see this coming. Do you think this is good for Pete or did he sell out?
It's probably good for Peter. Hopefully the outside money doesn't influence real bedford into becoming the crypto team instead of the bitcoin team.
The context no one is talking about is the issues Peter is having with the local town council, who are currently not going to renew his lease on the football ground the team play at.
I wouldn't be surprised if a big factor in bringing big money in is to get the legal heft that comes with American billionaire backing.
I haven’t followed that closely but I do recall him mentioned on a pod that the town wasn’t allowing him to renew his lease or develop the premises.
Yeah he shared some of that on a Podcast. They don’t like his pirate flags 🏴‍☠️ either!
Yup my concern exactly
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 13 Apr
That’s pretty cool, even though some people say they will have a hard time working with the twins.
Yeah, not sure how it will play out but the twins will get their way. Think of the legal team they have.
They invested 4.5 million USD in level 9 England club. It may work well in long term if club advances to upper levels. But, in comparison, for 4.5 million USD season budget in Latvia you might fight for the title in top league and play European cup (international) games.
What was the price of Bitcoin when they got in?
What it has to do with this? Anybody had opportunity to buy Bitcoin early and then hodl for so long.
They know something about taking risks , gaining conviction, and believing in something for the long term!
And that's something bad?
Not necessarily they have a winning playbook, will it align with Peter’s vision of success?
They invested in bitinstant in 2013
I see it as a sell out maneuver. While the world is burning, crypto billionaires are using "liberation money" to back "people who play games" and become "game players" themselves.
Bitcoin and crypto may be freedom, but there is a special hell for people who do this when people are struggling with life and death problems due to their financial systems.
And the Twins still have my staked sats from Gemini Earn that I have yet to get back.
And then there is that.
Yup learned my lesson, never staking a sat ever again!
Football is big business in Europe (club plays only in level 9 league, still got millions investiment), if Peter manages to change things there with Real Bedford, it may impact a lot of other things too, not only football.
Yeah Pete’s doing a great job. I’m just interested on how the partnership pays off!
They were sponsoring the club already before. Now they just bought a stake in it too.
Sponsoring my and owning a stake are very different from an influence perspective!
Investor vs Shareholder.
I like this. The idea about investment with reason presented are good enough to consider it an overall good for bitcoin. But
Philosophically, football and bitcoin share much in common.
Why philosophy? That's not correct. Football is not as boarderless as Bitcoin. Also, I don't believe that Bitcoin is an underdog story. Bitcoin was, is and will always be a winner.
He definitely sold out some portion, winklevoss are no donators.
Wow you nailed it, great insight!
I like winklevoss for their energy and enthusiasm for Bitcoin, at least from their words.
I can't say the same for their intentions. They are for profit, they have money and they won't give it away for nothing.
Duplicate #503603 ?