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Is anyone planning on seeing this this weekend?
Hell no! Going to a Halving Party and spending time with the fam, like a good pleb.
I like uncomfortable movies so I’ll stream it eventually. It does seem like it’s taking advantage of an election year to other those who wish to reclaim political power, but c’est la vie.
I'm hesitant to watch this one, I recognize the idea that putting a concept so heinous into film is far better than experiencing it in reality I just don't think I have the appetite for this one. Even knowing a little deeper that the filmmaker delibrately chose drew lines that seem impossible in the current political climate I think this one will feel a little to close to reality.
I agree… while I would like to see it and I have seen good reviews for it it’s tough. I’m from Texas so the idea of succeeding has been around for as long as I can remember but now I not only live and work in Washington DC but I work for Congress. With that and the political climate it just hits to close to home ya know?
Looks like propaganda. Three things that occur to me while watching the preview:
  1. The entire premise is based on the assumption that a strong unified central government is better than separate sovereign states, as the film depicts the horrors that will surely come to pass if states exercise their autonomy. The underlying message being "you better support the federal government or this will happen".
  2. The heros are journalists, painting anyone who's critical of the profession (which has gone to shit in recent years) in a negative to light. It's hard to believe that journalists will be anything other than propaganda mouthpieces for the ruling regime. It was a brilliant marketing strategy however as seen by the glowing reviews coming from mainstream media.
  3. The president, who is evidently portrayed as fascist (i.e. right-wing), disbands the FBI, which is absurd considering the FBI is nothing but a fascist, militarized, national police force and most certainly would be a valuable weapon in the hands of fascist dictator. But the message is that if you want the FBI disbanded you're a fascist, which is pure statist propaganda.
whether the country is headed toward another (real-life) Civil War.
No, not a chance. Is CNBC dumb about asking such nonsense questions.
Movies based on such subjects which try to build upon a potential unrest should be avoided, no matter how good they are filmed. What civil war is, it shows 'a human again another human', painful and disastrous!
Propaganda campaigns finally hitting A24 and Alex Garland sad to see. https://archive.ph/RONb1
I really don't get the motivation behind this one.
I generally have enjoyed a24 movies. Haven't heard of this one yet.
I am also much more used to them being horror films really with Hereditary, X, Pearl, and Midsommer among others!
Midsommar is one of my favorites.
It is a fantastic movie for sure! I personally am a big hereditary fan though lol!
I only heard about it a couple of days ago but honestly thought it was a joke just given the current times. Today I saw nope this is a real thing coming out and was a little surprised but really interested!
Just learned about it now. I will watch it!
I want to but living and working in Washington DC kinda makes it super creepy…
That’s true! There’s a lot of radon in DC also
I just googled what radon levels were where I grew up and welp turns out they are also high in Houston so guess I jumped from one high level place to another!