the word vaccine is derived from "cow." another way to say "cattle" or "chattel." instead of focusing on the term and the narrative, look at all of them as injectables. people are starting to look at the injected (or inhaled) liquid under a microscope and spectroscopy, and new questions arise. that is the inquisitive bitcoiner way.
it's also a lottery, imho. never know what u gonna get thru the needle from a certain batch.
after i saw a graph showing number of polio deaths was already on the decline when the injectable was rolled out, i started a deeper dive on the topic.
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It's definitely a much more complicated situation than they want us to think.
if what i suspect is going on is true, it is so insane and irreversible (i.e. no going back) that most people will either dismiss it as crazy, quietly accept their fate, or get super panicky. any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. new technology can be used for good or bad, it's true, and this one has some potential to be good, somehow. however, the number of power-hungry wrong-doing people in the world with access to such technology is worrisome.