Whilst on the topic of interest rates…
ECB President Christine Lagarde insisted her institution was "data-dependent, not Fed-dependent" on Thursday. But analysts and policymakers said high U.S. inflation and interest rates were bound to have an impact on the ECB's plans via financial markets and trade.
"While we continue to believe that the ECB will be the first central bank to start cutting rates this year, the path beyond that will remain dictated by Fed action," Max Stainton, a senior global macro strategist at Fidelity International, said.
Christine Lagarde was such a joke in French politics. Somehow many losers at national elections (e.g., Lagarde, Strauss-Kahn, Breton...) ended up at positions of higher power in globalist institutions, causing even more damage that they were doing on the national scene
Brussels is a dumping ground for degenerate political parasites and failed politicians
Gaslighting the market.... Look at the Euro