I entered two Masters pools on Draftkings (which I never pay money for since I don't want to end up like the interpreter, but enter every free contest I can; I'm currently at a little over $24 in winnings with them over the last year). It was, for all intents and purposes, a game of "select some random names and hope."
Given how I've done in contests in which I do know something about the sport, I'm not sure my odds are any lower, to be honest.
I haven't followed golf in years and haven't played in probably twenty even though I live a 5 minute walk from a golf course. My son was never really interested in golf but my daughter would like to try it. My wife played a lot of golf with her dad when she was young so maybe my daughter will be the golfer in the family.
I tried taking a golf course in college and quickly realized I was so bad at it, I had to drop before I flunked. If I'm not trying to tap the ball past a windmill or into a clown's mouth, I'm hopeless. Not surprisingly, my daughter did not end up with any interest in the sport.