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Thanks to everyone who took the time to write great posts this week. Starting next week, zap awards will be the same as this week, but the post zap split will be discontinued. Here are the details:
There will be a zap award for the top 5 posts weekly. It will be broken down as follows: 1. 2500 sats 2. 1000 sats 3. 500 sats 4. 500 sats 5. 500 sats Posts will be judged using SN zaprank. The cut off time is 9:00am EST (1300GMT) Friday morning. I will post the top 5 winners shortly after 9:00am every Friday morning.
Have a good week.

Top Five Posts Of The Week

Yes, your post was eligible. It just missed sneaking into the top 5. Remember, it's not calculated purely by number of sats. It is calculated by zaprank. If you hover over the sats you earned, you will see that more stackers zapped the fifth post on the list. It was close, and you had a good post, so here's 250 sats.
I see what's happening here. You're the one who selected the 'sats' filter.
I'm not sure what's going on, but it's showing up as third on my PC.
Remember, this is after I zapped everybody, and stackers may have zapped post 9 am
on your PC, my post doesn't show up in third place? Could there be a bug in SN? Zapping other posts would increase the ranking even more, not the other way around.
Gifts always feel different šŸ˜‹šŸ„°
Swaps directory was very helpful. Nice work @Radentor
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Thank you so much @siggy47.
I take gifts with both hands and I wrote two posts this week with each of my hands, both won the contest, so I now seriously wish, I could have the third one.
No, you don't, for I'd hack it off and parade it around my neck in the local park. Maybe it'll bring me luck?! šŸ˜ˆ
You're wishing for the luck but I never wished it, you can hack it, parade it and can do what you want. At last, it's not the luck that deceives you only, but also your strength is way too less to do it. You seem to have a little hole. You need more pumping of air to even hold it... I mean your luck ...
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