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Too much clarity on the status of individuals in the group causes strife in the form of envy. This is not just for people at the bottom, whose envy of everyone above them is understandable, but also for those near the top, who likewise will envy people above them. A big enough group of disaffected people in a status game will cause some form of revolution. In other words, strictly ordered status games are not stable.
This is especially true the longer I stay working in Bitcoin. It’s something I am proactively try to stop myself from doing. I do not remember feeling this way in the fiat space. It’s far too easy for me to fall into this trap. I have also seen this work the other way as well…people proposing to others they have less to receive more.
💬 Great insight Jimmy I would be curious to know how you go about avoiding these traps? Also is there anything else besides privacy one can do from a position of “the top” to others “below” to ease the pain.
I have an episode coming up that inspired this post which will delve into this exact topic: dealing with envy. Stay tuned!
Nice! Looking forward to it.
I'm stoked to hear the episode also!