So something that just hit me looking at this chart granted I might also be a slight history nerd, is that the tax rates were highest during our times at war. The spike in the late 1910s through early 1920s corresponded with WWI then you see them go back up gearing up for WWII. They started their fall during the Vietnam War and have remained significantly lower since then.
I don't think it necessarily means anything but I do find it interesting. I could see where the wealthy would be much more willing to pay higher taxes during this period and not fight it so that the US would be on the winning side and so maybe with our recent performance in war that is also a reason it has remained low. The results have been muddy, to say the least, so the rich do not feel as inclined?
What do yall think about this? The chart seems to show increases before the World Wars popped off so if we pop back up to 90% does that mean almost the government knows something we don't?