The question should not even surge in the first place. If it does, it is because you voluntarily decided to discharge your responsibility to a fictional entity and consequently comply and submit to specific laws in your area of operations. Of course, We, the people, we do not have any obligation to comply, nor to do any business with third parties complying with the above-mentioned regulators.
But let's assume that the medium of exchange is (obviously) Bitcoin. We are responsible beings, and we do business directly without any intermediary or representative. We just are supposed to provide anything to the other party, that has more value for us than what we are asking for.
Now, the problem surge when this other party wants to comply on a voluntary basis with some unauthorized authorities, asking us for some kind of paper that highlight the exchange details. You'd do business with such entities? Or you just say No, I can't do business with you? Do you provide a receipt with tax information? Or you just provide a receipt? Or you just provide the good or service and that's it? It's registering a company really needed? Or it's something for cowards and losers?
I'm honestly still struggling to navigate in this open ocean and my aim for this post is to better understand how we can do business, exchange good and services, excluding the compliance factors imposed by authoritarian regulators. How we create a safe space to interact and exchange?
I'd appreciate your thoughts and experiences on this topic.