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Heritage is a very interesting place some people who work there super normal then you have some absolute loons that are good comedic relief!
I couple months ago the dropped a report on the DOE and in it included some bizarre stuff like privatizing our National Labs and just straight up firing 10s of thousands of people. They were wanting to gut the workforce that maintains our nukes and all sorts of stuff. We can def cut back on spending but ya know the guy who has trained and his whole job is to make sure the nuclear bomb is in good shape and will work when needed to… yeah I want him to keep his job! 😂
I don't know much about the org beyond knowing they are considered politically conservative.
They peaked during the Reagan years. They rediscovered some relevance during George W Bush years. Their influence is waning. You can see it by the declining number of donors.
Heritage is part of Conservative Inc
Yeah under Trump they got a little boost and if anything when Trump lost reelection some of the crazier people went to Heritage which has resulted in some MAGA, not all of them but some, pay attention to them again.
In the Rothbard circles of libertarians they are considered to be pretty milk toast at best. They do some good work but calling them conservative these days is about as useless as that term is. What does it even mean any more?
The craziest thing to me still is that "conservatives" support Trump, a democrat. That shows us how much has shifted. Trump is a loud mouthed democrat really but everything has shifted so much that he appeals to republicans. Which I explain by the simple fact that he has the balls to fight back and doesn't care what people say about him. I get it. I see why they support him and more importantly why they don't get excited about the typical republican.
That's enough of this partisan nonsense though.
Oh yeah I get a kick out of people calling him conservative because fiscally he is not and I guess maybe and its a stretch maybe socially he is a little bit but yeah the guy spends money is isolationist if anything.
There also has been a change from instead of one large institution like Heritage speaking different groups specialize in certain sectors and they have gained prominence. ClearPath for the environment and energy sector has become a HUGE thing but they were unheard of 10 years ago.