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We are witnessing how the climate apocalypse, driven by an old generation saturated by fiat monetary policy, is becoming a sinker for the future of the younger generation in Switzerland too.
In a landmark ruling, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has upheld the right to climate protection, marking a pivotal moment for Switzerland. The court criticized Switzerland's inadequate climate policies, echoing concerns voiced by the "Climate Seniors Switzerland" association.
Backed by environmental group Greenpeace, the association comprises some 2,500 women aged 64 and older. They argue that the escalating threat of climate change, marked by more frequent and intense heatwaves, poses a grave risk to older individuals, particularly women.
The court's rebuke underscores Switzerland's failure to enact sufficient measures to curb greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise in line with its human rights obligations.
"Right to climate protection " 🤣🤣🤣 Shitcoiners are shitfoining everywhere lmfao
You should read more about climate change. Less "opinions" and more facts
You should read more about liberty vs communism, less arbitrary opinions / parasitism and stealing from your fellow humans for BS pseudo end of the world incoming, and more kindness for people still in misery who desperately need fossil fuels.
The fact that 1°C in 200 years is barely a measurement anomaly is a...fact. Kill and butcher all the western word and you will avoid, if IPCC and all communists idiots around it are right (pretty sure they aren't) about anthropocity of this tiny climate warming, and you will avoid a 0,5 °C of warming in 200 years while keeping humanity in absolute poverty.
lol you make it more about a arbitrary vs liberty thing. It is not. In fact it’s only when you defend some investments interests that you don’t see the value brought by a clever massive climate change fight. As one of the most important thing are transitioning away from fossil fuel, you rely our energy dependency on only a few limited ressources held by a few despotic people/states. Renewable is and will probably be the cheapest and more reliable way my friend. I won’t argue on your "scientific facts" because I’m not an expert. I’ll just let you read IPCC and NASA studies. They destroy every argument possible against the fact that climate change exist and is faster than before.
You are defending the biggest scamiest lobbies of all, the "green" lobbies, don't be a fool please their are tons of people making tons of money out of this... No need to mention that none of these would exist without heavy subsidies stolen from people who don't care about your fake problems.
Let the free market do the thing, people will buy the cheapest and more reliable source of energy. If your despot propose the best price, ask yourself the good questions lol There is no way all of this madness of windmills and solar aberration don't stop immediately after subsidies stops...
I didn't brought science here but obvious facts. Kill half of the world and you will see no measurable difference on your climate/temperature datas. A genocide won't change anything so I let you draw the conclusions about all your efforts for stealing from your fellow western citizens. They are totally foolish in addition to being completely immoral of course. Do you realize that 3/4 of the world never heard about climate change and would not care at all as they have more urgent needs that you refuse them ? Don't you realize that it is a silly irrational fear from western spoiled communist kids ? Didn't your learn anything from the COVID Hysteria ? It's exactly the same madness but on the long run... seriously dude get yourself together...
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Is Switzerland under the jurisdiction of this court?
I think so
Well, maybe they'll rediscover why they used to avoid getting entangled with the rest of Europe.
It has never been clear to me why Switzerland has always stayed away from Europe and its policies, but I think this time Switzerland will give in
Geography + small country
Switzerland is one of the wealthiest countries in Europe, one reason is centuries of neutrality
They literally would lose their currency and lot of Swiss people feel that staying away from it means more independence and more choice. (More like a feeling don’t really know if it is a fact)
My understanding of Swiss history is that it was largely founded by people trying to get away from oppressive European regimes. I'm sure TomK knows it better than I do though.
All began at the 'Rütli Wiese' where they swore the oath. Very interesting history
Yes it fully is. Switzerland is in the center of EU! They are not part of EU but have a lot of bilateral agreements and are in Schengen. They are part of CEDH and even have Swiss judge there. This court is more about fundamental rights tho, so really a good thing because this is the final step of a really long legal process to defend your rights (against states).They usually judge, recommend and give fines.