Germany is grappling with a concerning trend as corporate bankruptcies soar to unprecedented levels. Recent data from the IWH economic institute reveals a stark reality: the number of insolvencies among partnerships and corporations surged by 9% month-over-month to reach 1,297 cases in March. This marks a substantial 35% increase compared to the same period last year and stands 30% higher than the March average observed between 2016 and 2019.
I don't find it "alarming".
It's really more relieving. Normal economic hygiene long overdue.
It's 'alarming' for the banks and the fiat lords
Older companies, or just newer companies that couldnt last?
Comps that existed only thanks to the zero bound
There was a statistic somewhere that said less than 1% of companies make it to 100 years old.. SO, that means many are going to go bankrupt. The real question is, are the businesses in question worth bailing out?
No, clearly not