It keeps getting better. Not only is economic data fudged, but it's released to Cantillon insiders like BlackRock early. Insider trading, maybe? It's not just for members of congress.
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Everybody knows Mike Bloomberg is a right wing conspiracy nut. Turns out another right wing rag broke the story. Who the hell is going to believe the New York Times?
When you say "no other news agencies are reporting on it", do you mean Rachel didn't talk about it last night? Maybe check your DVR again.
Seems it worked.
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I can assure you, I hold no hate in my heart.
It is rage bait because the entirety of the Republican platform is to emotionally charge their base with constant fear mongering
I agree with you bud. And the other side does the same thing but in different ways. The only way to win is not not play their game.
You do sound a little mad though.