There are no heroes in bitcoin.
Seeing and defending Saylor as savior is fiat mentality seeking for a duce.
He maneuvered himself into a position in which he has partly to play the fiat game aka. using words like compliance, governance etc. in order to not be immediately taken down. He is target of the fiat counterstrike. Expect even more weird things there.
There are no heroes in bitcoin
This is both true and false depending on how you look at it. Bitcoin doesn't need a leader/hero. But, humans really like worshiping heroes and it is obvious that Saylor is a hero for many.
To much less of a degree Odell is a hero for many. One thing I have learned over the years is that all humans are flawed and people disappoint you. Don't make heroes out of people in general.
I don't pretend to know if either Saylor or Odell are good/bad. They both have said things I agree with and things I disagree with. Saylor is a minarcist and clearly plays the fiat/state game. Only time will tell.
Think for yourself. Don't trust, verify.