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Just discovered this article (https://moxie.org/2022/01/07/web3-first-impressions.html) and had some thoughts on how these issues relate to bitcoin.
People don’t want to run their own servers (nodes): True for the most part, especially for typical internet functionality, but when it comes to securing personal wealth, I think there are plenty of us that find running a node to be a perfectly acceptable alternative to keeping money in the bank. Definitely not everyone, but I’d imagine in the end there will be more than enough, especially as this gets easier over time.
Decentralized tech is very difficult to change and often remains stuck in time: This is exactly why bitcoin will work - this is a positive. Especially if you understand bitcoin as the base monetary settlement layer for the world. There’s plenty of room for innovation and change in layer 2 which will take care of scalability, but layer 1 needs to be unchanging (with the exception of obvious and/or critical improvements that have been thoroughly reviewed by the network).
Despite being built on “crypto”, there is very little cryptography used in web3/altcoins: It’s refreshing to know this doesn’t apply to bitcoin. This entire article was super eye opening for me - I knew altcoins/NFTs were iffy at best, but I didn’t realize how poorly built and broken it was. NFT’s are just URLs? Are you kidding me lol? The data itself isn’t signed? Wtf?
Honestly, I thought this article was great. Lots of good food for thought, and I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I think it makes bitcoin look pretty good in comparison.
(Disclaimer, I realize this was shared here back in January when it was written, just thought I’d share my thoughts in a new post)
btw This article was posted back when it was published: #7445
Edit: Just saw your disclaimer.