I’m just getting started and will likely post only when feeling inspired, but it is becoming part of my writing practice. That usually looks like sitting on my computer for an hour or two, not every day but I’d like to aim for 2-3 times a week. Writing starts with what is basically word vomit into a document, then a little time reading articles/books that inspire me, then going back to add on and polish what I have written into something coherent.
You said exactly what I love about SN so far. It’s great to see thoughtful content actually being read and discussed. I am really tired of the quick dopamine hits other social media has come to rely on for views. I’ll likely be on here regularly with my morning coffee.
Great job on plonking yourself in front of the computer and type do research polish. I gotta say I don’t have that kind of discipline haha. I usually write on the go. Yesterday’s post was written during my commute - on the train, eating breakfast at McDonald’s.
Sometimes I scroll through SN during breakfast. Other days I resolutely put my phone aside n just read a book. Because I know I will spend time on SN any opportunity I find, I feel the need to give myself some sort of away time haha 😝
Haha this is a recent development, my social media time is usually fully unstructured. I burnt out on writing after years in grad school and am just realizing I want to get back into writing regularly. This has been a great forum to share some ideas while I am thinking about journals, etc to submit to and maybe turn it into a profitable hobby