There are so many great cheeses out there. Even without the health stuff, you're missing out by only doing american.
Also, sodium citrate is the emulsifier in this case. I don't know how that passes as amish because I doubt you can make that without laboratory equipment. I suspect the milk is from Amish farms but that's about it.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @jasonb OP 9 Apr
Oh yeah, I love all types of these. But there's also something nice and gooey about American cheese for grilled cheese or a burger (as this was bought for). Also, growing up my mother told me in the middle of sleepless nights that eating a slice of American cheese made you sleepy. In retrospect, it was probably a clever placebo. albeit ironic. I believe casein protein, which is more prevalent in real cheese, actually does do that since it's harder to metabolize.
Swiss cheeses melt very well too.