The Battle for the Attention Economy At the edge of the 21st century an article ( in Wired magazine from December 1997, barely noticed at the time, boldly predicted the evolution of the Information Economy into what was termed the Attention Economy. This prescient view highlighted that in an era abundant with information, courtesy of the internet's exponential growth, the real scarcity would not be content but the attention of users. This Attention Economy is characterized by a relentless competition for one of humanity's truely finite resources: time. Nearly 17 have passed and the Attention Economy has ingrained itself into the fabric of our daily existence. Social media platforms bombard us with an overwhelming flow of content, making it impossible to consume everything available, and increasingly difficult to seek out new ideas or viewpoints. What wasn't predicted, however, was the extent of centralization this economy would foster, leading to an attention marketplace dominated by engagement farming, sensationalism, and a ‘race to the bottom’ in content quality. It's a circus of the valueless exploitation of our time without enriching us in return. There is a fight to be had for Value, and we have the supreme weapon: Bitcoin. Bitcoin and the advent of decentralized platforms have the potential to revolutionize the Attention Economy. Platforms like Stacker News and software like Nostr are pioneering this change, valuing content with Satoshi's (Sats), the smallest unit of bitcoin, rather than mere views or likes. This model shifts the focus from the quantity of attention a piece of content can draw to the quality of engagement it can proffer. In traditional social media, success is measured by views, likes, and follows—metrics that are free to give and thus devoid of real value. This system benefits the platform more than the creators or consumers, as it prioritizes content that aligns with the platform's interests, not necessarily that of the community. However, by using Satoshis as a measure of value, we reintroduce a merit-based system to the internet. Content value is determined not by the number of eyes that passively scan it, but by the willingness of the community to financially support it. This model ensures that only truly valuable, engaging, and enriching content rises to the top. The transition to a Bitcoin-based value system in social media and content creation represents more than just an economic shift; it's the front line of a cultural revolution. It promises to restore integrity, authenticity, and, most importantly, value to our digital interactions. As we embrace this new paradigm, we pave the way for a more meritocratic digital future, where quality trumps quantity, and genuine engagement replaces passive consumption. In this new world, Bitcoin is a tool for reclaiming our attention from those that would treat it cheaply and rewarding the creators who truly deserve it.
One thing I have really liked about not only SN but the idea of a Bitcoin-based value system is that it fixes the issues that places like Reddit's r/cryptocurrency had. When MOONs were all the rage you had people farming the crap out of them but with a system using Satoshis this issue is addressed since they are already in circulation. It is nice being able to get on here and read articles that are informative and not just people spam posting and commenting nonsense to farm more like was crystal clear in the r/cryptocurrency Reddit!
Having an already established currency is essential because it deepens the value. It’s not just a self fed economy, it’s REAL value outside the platform. Total game changer.