Just found out an hour ago it’s once in 88 years.
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @gmd 8 Apr
ahhh well i'm not in its path and I've always been underwhelmed in the past.
I find meteor showers and comets (or normal star gazing) much more exciting.
I feel bad for my family back in Texas since its cloudy! In DC we are going to get 90% coverage in a few minutes so I am excited!
99 sats \ 2 replies \ @Car 8 Apr
Have fun!
199 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 8 Apr
It was pretty great! I got some pretty amazing photos of it using my phone and a camera protection thing!
99 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 8 Apr
Same, even the moon’s beauty is worth watching for a couple hours once a month.
Solar Eclipses themselves are not that rare often happening every 1-3 years. Eclipses being visible from the US are rare with the next one not for 20 years however it will just be a small part of the US that can see it. The 2017 one that went across the entire US was the first time something like that had happened in over 100 years! This one is still huge in that it is going across half of the US but still pretty rare!