Sharing my Sunday adventures
went deep into the mountain, then found something like a secret pathway...intriguing, who built it and why? 🤔 and I also saw some houses built in the middle of the mountain, what a view walking up surrounded by flowers, trees, and can see the sea from afar too! me imagining maybe that's the view for @DarthCoin too.
And then I ended up meeting a REAL nomad family, their ancestors used to nomading around, the ones that actually sleep in goat hair tents! 👀 much hardcore, and the mum knows how to make kilim, socks, oya to lace, you name it, and she happily showed me what she had made, what a skilled hand!! But they told me that most traditional nomads settled down now due to the ever-changing society or other reasons, there are still a few left continuing the 5000 years of the traditional way of nomad living - everything they use is natural, and not using any tech things, no internet and no Bitcoin, yet they are free. ( Bitcoin is indeed plan B )
Some people said nomads are not good for societies, maybe yes: a. they are so capable and self-sufficient thus hard to control b. they are learning from everywhere they go and spread the info and knowledge- Turks used to be nomads, migrated from Asia to Anatolia, and it's absolutely fascinating to learn the history behind it. c. they probably know about nature better than most people and are much stronger
I'm talking about the real nomads here, and not gonna lie I personally wouldn't want to live like them - I do like some comfort and having free time to think and create, but I think the balance is to enjoy the modern convenience, especially the Internet, yet keep stacking those life skills but without being sucked into the conform because comfort made one weak.
And an extra thinking is : these people got corrupted the least form modern society, much knowledge they processed, e.g. I was doing my homework to see how they carry water around so that maybe I could get rid of all the plastic bottle water; or how they preserved all the cheese and milk without having refrigerator? 🤯
I like the caveat you put in this post. I was about to be his usual prick in your heel but I’ll just say even as nomads I am almost 1000% sure they must trade/purchase goods from another nomadic family thus start the early beginnings of starting a community
These types of nomads, usually do not need/use too much of money as we know it. For them money means more barter with goods that are scarce in their life (they cannot produce themselves): cigarettes, salt, sugar, flour, moonshine, tools (knifes, axe).
I remember once, I was hiking long time some mountains and I encounter a nomad family with sheeps. For a good long knife and a bottle of strong moonshine I had, they were giving me all meat I could carry, cheese, milk, shelter and a lot of love and stories. I offered money, but they don't even look at them, were like, wtf you are giving me these, I have no use for them.
maybe they smoke something else if they do smoke 😂
I offered money, but they don't even look at them, were like, wtf you are giving me these, I have no use for them.
they dont need money to buy fancy clothes and tech things, and everything is already handmade and natural. 😂😂😂 because they have the knowledge and willing to do the work.
These pictures remind me of the time when I went into the woods to "find a topic for my bachelor thesis".
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 8 Apr
Did you stopped in the middle of that forest and listen the... silence, the wind, the slow move of leaves on the ground ?
It says that when you concentrate for some minutes and you are able to hear the void, the "nothing", then you are close to open the door to another universe. But you must be blend into the nature, to be part of it, not just a "visitor".
And you must sleep at least a night, alone, in that forest. Just hang a hammock between 2 trees and look at the stars all night until your eyes could start travelling far away...
You will never forget those moments.
Did you stopped in the middle of that forest and listen the... silence, the wind, the slow move of leaves on the ground ?
also it was a bit scary since it was cloudy, empty and so high up.
And you must sleep at least a night, alone, in that forest. Just hang a hammock between 2 trees and look at the stars all night until your eyes could start travelling far away...
that would be quite an adventure. 👀
That looks very much where I am too. Taking what is called forest baths, is good ;)
Sounds like you had a great hike! I was particularly interested in the part about preserving food without a fridge. I'm not sure how they manage with milk, but I think raw milk has to be consumed within a few days. They can always make dairy products that last longer, though. In Portugal, smoking and salting were traditional methods of preservation. Even today, cod isn't eaten fresh; it's submerged in large quantities of salt and then soaked in running water for a few days to remove the salt before it's eaten. Smoked meat is still made in a traditional way, too.