I'm looking forward to being able to get the whole album playing whilst I have the time to listen to it all and give it the attention it deserves. I got a couple long drives coming up that I've now earmarked that album to really dig into it. I'm excited to hear it. I really enjoyed the first track Anarchy Dreams.
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Hopefully, I'll be able to publish the entire album as soon as Winamp resolves their current issues.
In the meantime, I've already published a few tracks on my pages at https://wavlake.com/eddieoz and https://soundcloud.com/eddieoz. And the lyrics for these tracks can be found on my website: https://www.eddieoz.com/tag/music/ :) I sincerely hope you enjoy the music!
I have been so far, and more is always good! When you want to drop the whole album let me know, I'd be happy to help promote it if I can.