best way to find out, is to signup and try for yourself
this territory is moderated
You would probably get more members if people could check it out for a bit before paying.
nah, we would get flooded with spammers & scammers.
I am pretty sure there are other ways to weed a lot of that out.
sure, we could monitor every single message, run censorship algos, and sell users data to pay the bills.
but I'm not interested in building a facebook for bitcoiners.
Good luck. I think something more open and free is going to prevail long term for connecting. And perhaps, soon, most everyone will be a bitcoiner, so we won't need an app just for bitcoiners. but I have no idea. I realize I am ignorant on this stuff. I just like asking questions and sharing my view.
appreciate all the questions, just keep in mind that nothing is free.
“what would you say…you do here?” 💚🪄
I was going to. Installed it and everything. I was excited. And then it said I had to pay before I could even see what it is about.
the paywall is what makes OPA a special place, with no spammers, scammers, shipcoiners, ads etc etc
Makes sense. I probably won't use it ever but I get it.