Yesterday I went to the supermarket with my family.
As I waiting in line at the counter, I saw a gift card for Bitcoin, I shown my dad and he said:
"Wait... so Bitcoin is not illegal?"
"Never has been..." I replied. 😅
It made me choke from laughter, he knew I'm stacking but thought I was doing something shady.
Media really brainwashed people to a disgusting level. 😞
illegal means you accepted in a contract you will not do it
There's no contract that I or anyone else signed though... 🥲
41 sats \ 7 replies \ @Lux 7 Apr
exactly just ask to show you where is the contract you signed
Should try that next time. 🕵️‍♂️
I did it IRL. And they can't answer that. Because if they answer that means they recognize slavery. And that will be a much more trouble that do not want to enter.
Can you give us a bit more context if is possible? I'd like to know what triggered that situation.
I was kidnapped (aka arrested), literally for disobeying "the authority" (aka police). Then in front of the judge, after 1 night spending with kidnappers (police thugs), I asked simply this: can you provide any document that I signed and consent to prove that anybody in this room have any authority over me?
Judge, after a min of silence, said: case closed, you can go home. Done.
Then I was invited (summoned) again to the court but this time I was even more prepared, with documents proving that I AM the owner of myself and didn't presented any govID, but my own creation (real author-ity) and also a trust contract prepared, proving that.
Judge was speechless and again case closed. They can't say anything, because if they say something, will be recognizing the whole giant scam of slavery.
Yes, they will try to trick you will all their legalese language and trick questions, to avoid the direct answer. You just have to stand your ground and continue asking same question over an over: prove it you have any ownership over me or authority to do so.
They want you to declare yourself incapacitated so they can do whatever they want. A man could be enslaved only by his own consent to these fuckers. You need to have big balls, if you are just scared, then don't do it. Just be an obedient shitizen.
Please watch this documentary and you will understand more
So true... 😔
Listen this 50 min lecture about Law and "illegal"
Thank you so much, will do!
Tell us when he'll text you about intentions to buy
I'll P2P him directly if it happens, he already said "Gimme yours" 😎
At first they laugh on us then they ask when will we live Bitcoin standart
He'll probably waste everything since holding is not option for him...
As one girl on Twitter said: When you sell Bitcoin you help to buy it someone else
An indirect act of kindness! 😆
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 7 Apr
Media have power to say it illegal but don't have power to stop it.
Luckily it can't.