@DarthCoin, when you're done with your citadel and "retired", you should really setup a livestream where people can zap you to fill a glass with beer 👀
you may need multiple glasses available to fill or drink them really fast
maybe SNL should do the same? @k00b @Car
68 sats \ 7 replies \ @k00b 6 Apr
@Car @Blueslime @cascdr wen pleb lab?
We'd probably get trolled with a lot of breakfast beers, but I think we can handle it.
139 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 6 Apr
Soon, still got to get lightning door setup first
Add a beertap with sats. Then stackers can zap the beertap with sats and activate pouring the beer. Check here all the bitcoin switches you can make in Pleblab as experiments https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/wiki/Powered-by-LNbits#hardware-projects
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @cascdr 8 Apr
Ok @koob. I'll make a CASCDR workflow that pours the drink alerts you and posts notes calling you soft if the livestream AI doesn't see an empty glass within 1 minute.
Imagine getting into bitcoin development for the free beer.
The harder you code the faster the beer comes from the tap!
I will start learning to code
Breaking News: Bitcoin hackerspace flodded with beer following setup of livestream
118 sats \ 0 replies \ @davidw 6 Apr
Exactly. Zapathon on SNL to decide who between Car and K00b needs to chug their beer
this is crazy, @DarthCoin dont need to be zapped to fill his beer 🤣 he'd drink it voluntarily.
I was thinking about that.