If you think there's a special way to opt out of laws by employing riddles, you are quite literally delusional. 6102 was amended multiple times. The government got what they wanted and there are no examples of anyone opting out by claiming they are a "free man not an individual".
Show me an example of someone opting out of law in court successfully.
The government convinced the entire world that there was a pandemic and that they should get a vaccine for it, yet you still seem to believe everything you read.
There are plenty of examples of "opting out of law" here. Join the fight.
Your first sentence is utterly irrelevant to the topic at hand. You have no examples of people opting out of 6102. You have no examples of anyone using sovereign citizen defences in court successfully.
If you are going down this intellectual path you are almost certainly being swept into a cult or scam. I don't say this lightly.