Are you aware of when was that "legal person" attached to you? Did you remember that you sign a contract consenting that?
Wikipedia stumbled something about it coming "naturally" after being born, but I don't know, and frankly, I don't care anymore. 🌞
I don't know anything about these topics, so I figured I'll give it a shot and see what storms engulfs me.
and frankly, I don't care anymore.
And that is exactly what the "masters" want. You to not care about these things and just a live a "wonderful" life of an obedient slave worker that never question anything and especially do not question any authority. Good luck.
If I didn't question anything, how did I end up in Bitcoin?
you just said that you don't care anymore to know WHO you are
Firstly: that doesn't answer my question, and secondly: I don't care about the gibberish details of either"white law", "black law" and everything in between.
You can act smart all you want, but I bet you arent that much better than me in this regard.
Especially in this regard, I think I am the one that knows more than anybody else on SN.
Fine, then instead of acting "controversial" again, type out a helpful reply and get off that high horse for once.
Why should I bother explaining all this to somebody that from start is considering is "gibberish" and continue in his total ignorance. Stay in your ignorance as you like.