This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #1: Jun 11, 2021 SN Item #5,000: Nov 15, 2021 (157 days since Jun 11, 2021) 32 / day SN Item #10,000: Feb 3, 2022 (80 days since Nov 15, 2021) 62 / day SN Item #15,000: Mar 17, 2022 (42 days since Feb 3, 2022) 119 / day SN Item #20,000: Apri 14, 2022 (28 days since Mar 17, 2022) 178 / day SN Item #25,000: May 3, 2022 ( 19 days since Apr 14, 2022) 263 / day SN Item #30,000: May 20, 2022 (17 days since Mar 3, 2022) 294 / day SN Item #35,000: Jun 8, 2022 (19 days since May 20, 2022) 263 / day SN Item #40,000: Jun 30, 2022 (22 days since Jun 8, 2022) 227 / day SN Item #45,000: Jul 13, 2022 (13 days since Jun 30, 2022) 384 / day SN Item #50,000: Jul 26, 2022 (13 days since Jul 13, 2022) 384 / day
How did I get the large images in a table, like hj did here:
What do I need this bitcoin for? 🔦 #46555
It depends on the the resolution and aspect ratio. The way this currently works without expanding is the maximum height is 75% of the browser window height, and maximum width is the natural width of the image.
I typo'd. What I meant to write was a question ...
How *do I get the large images [like what hj has?]
HJ's show full width. The images that do that for hj are also in a table.
My image does not show full width, unless clicked on which then expands it. My image is not in a table. I suspect I need to do something with a table to get it to show full width. But I don't know the trick.
You need a higher resolution image. You can view his markup here: #46555/edit
Ok, thanks so much. Firstly, I learned that /edit permits me to view the raw markdown of any post. That might come in handy!!
The other thing is I think what is happening is that in a comment reply the image is not rendered the same as when in the body of a discussion post. Which is fine, but explains why me even doing a copy pasta of hj's markdown still results in a small image that only expands when I click on it.
Ah yeah, comments have images with 25% max height
what is the roadmap in regards to categories, or the SN version of a sub-reddit. It would be great to discuss things outside of bitcoin in this kind of p2p environment.
It will likely grow slowly, but overtime certain categories may/should gain popularity.
Roadmap is hopefully we’ll have user created ones by end of year. Before then I’ll be creating one-off subs like ~jobs.
After other priorities, I suspect:
Going to add polls next I guess. Then need to work on performance, do some code maintenance/review, and some ops enhancements. Then we'll add our first sub.
Finishing up the backend for polls right now. Then I'll begin working on the frontend.
After polls ship, I'll need to spend some time doing more maintenance work and perhaps refining several existing features.
A common request, e.g.:
Stacker News, is it possible to see by topic or like subreddits? #49303
SN categories or single feed? #50017
I have communism associated with all those colors, crazy orange furniture, red plastic utensils, etc... It was designed from top down that people should have colors that match the colors of rainbow rather than individual sense of style.
I remember when if you saw a photo of a lot of grey / monotone buildings, clothes, etc. you were probably looking at an image from where there is communism.
Trying to set up my homeserver and gambling sats on bitcoin derivatives rn.
Finishing up the backend for polls right now. Then I'll begin working on the frontend.
After polls ship, I'll need to spend some time doing more maintenance work and perhaps refining several existing features.
Signed up for Marty Bent’s 240,170 sat per year newsletter and so far only two paid newsletters the rest been free. Like WTF!!
Found a good video explain bitcoin And read about the words we use in bitcoin by dergigi They make me understand much more about how bitcoin works.
Continually amazed by the bitcoin community’s lowest common denominator. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but I think there’s a bit of a “filter” to becoming involved in Bitcoin, that requires a certain threshold of work/effort and hours spent understanding the concepts and vision. As a result, even beginners in this space are unusually insightful people with great ideas and perspectives.
Happy Tuesday all 🧡
Interesting point of view and a lot of truth to it! Especially now that the bear market has flushed some of the mainstream hype out of this space. Indeed, both technology and monetary theory are already two pretty nerdy places to be, but historically without much overlap. Bitcoin combines the two fields beautifully!
You're right - it's really refreshing & uplifting to be around those that get it 🥳
Looking forward to the day that I'll be surrounded by a community of skilled & unskilled bitcoiners 24/7 - both online and in meatspace - that share similar values and understanding of the world.
Currently contribution & network-based but wouldn't surprise me to see a form of bitcoin ethics evaluations as a prerequisite for "proof of work".
a wise person once told me bitcoin attracts the smartest and most talented people in the world
Man idk what it was last week was in a funk felt off all week pushed through it and here we are back at it happy tuesday stackers!
let’s go!!!!
2009...начало положено или это было готово ещё раньше?
Fire up the spambots!
Should SN adopt an English language preference or rule?
I'd prefer to keep a doors open policy to anyone that is interacting here in good faith. We do need to figure out a solution for folks who want to use other languages though.
It will probably sort itself out with subs.
Makes sense. Perhaps the right time will be when tags, categories or filters appear on the roadmap.
I'm particularly interested in the rollout of Spanish as there is no doubt in my mind that growth of Stacker news will skyrocket when the Latin American community feel at home here. It may also help my sub-par Spanish writing skills 😅
Some potential approaches:
  • Multiple posts + single area - Each language post is shown on a single board (will need filtering once traction obtained in other languages)
  • Multiple posts + multiple areas - Each language post is segregated in a separate language area (leading to potentially echo chambers)
  • Single post + single area + auto-translate - Each post has a button to attempt to auto-translate the post beneath it (more dev time and potential inaccuracies)
  • Single post + single area - Each post has a translatable title & description - requiring author, workers or mods to populate (not scalable)
I kind of like the idea of users setting their preferred language and as a result get shown more posts in their language + some kind of translate button. I'm not sure how expensive translation libraries are though, keeping in mind we'd want something privacy-forward.
Here's a preview of what's possible via Smartcat in ES, FR, RU. Seems to process the entire page fairly quickly. Although does look on the pricey end 🙄
That's neat. Their pricing page hurts me though - wtf is a "smartword"?
I think we'll end up needing something that I host and pay a flat licensing fee or something.
Haha got to appreciate the marketing spiel.
Did spot a great looking free open source tool in Libretranslate which looks promising & cheap to host. I'll keep a lookout if I find anything else that can be hosted.
There actually seem to be no shortage of expensive translation APIs, including Weglot, Transifex, Translite, Dilingual, Smartcat and Crowdin. I wonder if they're all using the same tech under the hood. Crowdin seem to not charge for open-source requests although would be an extra online dependency.
Day no. 5 rocking it with React, while listening to What is Money show episode with Donald Hoffman (only 25% in and my mind is blown already 🤯 ).
Btw. New cards are coming :) If you like to, you can check out the prototypes now (links available in this thread). Also spent some time, playing with Gimp, and made an updated version of the card's back prototype.
Have a great Bitcoin Tuesday!
Curious to know what some of you do for a living. Which skills do we have in the community?
  • A 6-year Product Manager that can code & design on the side
  • Have a few days a week to work on side projects
  • Checking-out this GitHub repo, Sphinx & other personal ideas to establish how I can best add value to Lightning adoption
Software engineer managing software engineers 😀
Forest Ranger 🌲
What are everyone's thoughts on the Udi/Eric Wall Twitter space drama going on? I finally listened to (most of, I trailed off with the Q/A at the end) the recording today... while I enjoy Udi's contrariness or openness (depends on your perspective)... I found the entire thing rather ill-informed and one-sided (which I think is the problem most have with it).
A few take-aways that stood out for me;
  • Metamask is NOT a good user experience. It works, barely at times, and the generally tech savvy millennial audience for last year's NFT rush did figure it out, mostly... but I wouldn't call it a shining example of what a self-custody/sign-in/wallet experience should (or will be).
  • The NFT rush of last year was something totally different than building experiences, like SN, on Lightning. It is an "apples to oranges" example.
  • I do think NFTs have value, not as Monkey JPGs, but as a type of authenticated ownership, we just haven't seen the full realization of them yet.
  • Lightning has a ways to go with the UX of it all, but something like BlueWallet or Cash App's LN experience is far more elegant than Metamask.
  • Exodus as the top Bitcoin wallet? I was initially surprised to hear that but then once I thought about it it makes alot of sense given all the new users into BTC/crypto and how non-dogmatic they all are. Exodus solves a key problem of "keeping all my crypto" together in one place. Additionally full custodial BTC wallets are a bit of a nightmare to use, look at and interact with (overall UX), regardless of your stance on open-source or not. Exodus used to be very simple and elegant, but with each release they pack more junk into it, that make sense for them as a business but is messy or confusing for a end user ultimately. Strike/Cash App still have the best UX out there for w BTC wallet (again, their "custodialness" aside)
  • No mention, at all, about applications built on (or with) LN like SN, Fountain, etc...which I feel like was an obvious avoidance of Udi & Eric (though I bet they would both justify it as "because no one is actually using them").
I'm kind of surprised that Lightning isn't used more for payments on sites like BitRefill. It works pretty seamlessly these days. Maybe it's because most major exchanges still don't support Lightning, and users simply haven't been exposed to it? I have no idea why else anyone would use Litecoin for this purpose in 2022.
Be that as it may, Lightning is still the fastest and cheapest payment method to my knowledge, while having very nice privacy properties to boot. Looking at I don't see anything in the Ethereum ecosystem that matches it as a tool for micropayments.
The reality is that the market demand for gambling on NFTs and other unregistered securities is simply much greater than using Bitcoin / "crypto" as an actual payments network. It's distasteful, but it is what it is.
Lightning is relatively difficult to use, especially non-custodially. Our easiest to use non-custodial wallet (Muun) stores funds on-chain. There's also a huge education gap - we still address Lightning as a separate thing from Bitcoin because it's non-trivial for one to swap Bitcoin on/off Lightning, and thus it's another thing to learn.
very nice privacy properties
Not for receivers - yet.
One good example of NFT is right here, Stacker using lnurl-auth is better (waaay better) than most web3 obsolete projects, to verify people with no need of any kind of data. Of course @k00b doesn't put monkeys nor strange creatures to put it in your profile because if you want to buy art, just, IDK, maybe...bitcoin?
I agree with you that NFT have future. I can't be certain in what way but most interesting part for me is the authentication part (login in your website) avoiding useless or important data of yourself.
NFT for authentication... ya, especially into and within virtual worlds. I'm more excited about the possibilities of LN for authentication, sorta how it's used here in SN. The monetary aspect really ads alot to it all.
Honestly, it's really hard to listen to these people speak. The cringe is real. Kudos for getting through it! 🤣
Gm. I'm curious. How have your political beliefs changed over the last few years?
I'd say I started off in my youth influenced heavily by academia and peers on the Left. But quickly, I started to see the flaws in leftist logic. Eventually I became more of a libertarian, especially when I discovered Bitcoin.
Over the last couple of years, I've felt the libertarian inside me grow stronger, but there has been a rise in this right-wing populist side of me that I didn't know I had. Interesting times.
I enjoy discussing and arguing politics (vehemently, but respectfully) with people who have opposing views :)
I fell down the Bitcoin rabbit hole a few years back, and became somewhat more libertarian as a result.
I'm not anti-government per se, and I sure as hell don't know how a society should be organised. But I just can't get mad at people taking control over their own lives. So I'm interested in technologies which enable this. Bitcoin, privacy tools, 3D printing, etc.
I also think technology shapes politics more than anything else. Bitcoin's incentives are too strong for political grandstanding to matter much in the long run IMO.
Interesting, had this same conversation with bitcoiners last night at dinner.
Funny how that works
I came to the conclusion at least for now labels are not necessary anymore, when describing people. We all so unique.
These days I’m following 🕊
I went from left -> libertarian -> anarcho capitalist -> minarchist -> largely apolitical with a bias toward small governments and an interest in developing systems/technology that displace governments
I think, large swings in political views (from left to anarcho capitalist is a big swing) indicative of still being undecided on underlying values.
People should learn about themselves what their underlying values are and then derive their political views from there.
Too many people have political opinions first because someone convinced them or because being contrarian and second swing through the political spectrum because of inconsistentcies with their values.
Definitely more libertarian over time, less trusting of big government. I also started reading more about the history that led to "the modern world" across Americas and Europe.
If anyone has recommendations for good historical non-fiction about the Asian world, I'm all ears.
Morning. The reality for many is that the spectrum of politics has moved so far left in such a short space of time, that by remaining still & consistent in your views - people now find themselves much further on the right. Bitcoin of course adds a few more % points to the right. I wouldn't say my own discovery has heavily moved my political views, more so it's been an anchor in search of truth.
I would argue that politics doesn't even serve us these days, the lines have been so blurred by intervention. Looking forward to the day that people can learn to tolerate people with views other than our own once again. Until then, I fear it's more beneficial to vote with your feet than with your vote.