It's truly incredible how many people are ignorant to the diabolical ways of the bureaucrats that dictate the tides. What bothers me even more are the people who insist on shilling for these elites (including their favorite politicians) just to "get back" at political opponents. The elites have employed a divide and conquer strategy uncompromisingly successfully. And the sheep, like those ailed by Stockholm Syndrome, fall in line as expected.
The government locks you at home, closes your business, the Fed prints money, inflates your savings away by giving free money to fellow elites, leading to massive volatility, they shut down reliable energy sources in favor of solar panels that only work at PERFECT room temperature. All this leads to a recession. Then your favorite politician changes the definition of a "recession". We truly live in 🤡🌎
Bitcoiners are the outlier, willing to step up and call out nonsense.
And the sheep
Using the sheeple-motive without any sarcasm is very cringe 🤡🤡
Also: tHe eLiTEs 🤡🤡
Sheep spotted in the wild. 👀😯
Yes, you are the special snowflake that knows the secrets^TM unlike us dumb sheeple. Only you see smarts knows what THEY!!!1!1 are up to. The secret elite^TM that is secretly controlling everything and only you know about 😂😂👍😂
People talking about "sheeple" and "elites" are the real sheeple.
I wish I was so narrow minded. Life would be so much simpler with one of these worldviews.