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Economic activity is a derivative of the availability and efficient use of energy. Germany's attempt to deindustrialize is working. The production of electricity has been declining for years, as has industrial activity, which is now experiencing a massive slump. Hard times ahead for Germany!
It can also mean that Germany becomes the first best model of how other countries can deindustrialize.
Sounds amazing....
I don't understand the reason why a country would want to deindustrialize, to be greener? I really don't understand it, sacrificing your economy for an idea with rainbow colors.
Ideology, the desire to save the world this time and a lack of economic education in schools.
The background to this is that Europe has no resources to speak of. In order to overcome this problem, they are trying to get the world to commit to this climate target of net zero so that they can sit at the table geopolitically.
maybe you are right