I'm beating the carnivore drums again for my buddies at Stacker News, because normies mostly don't listen or aren't willing to take action. And you folks are the type that may listen, may do your own research, and may take action. So here you go.
Anyway, last night on the way home from a dance, I was giving a guy a ride home. He talked about his new work, how it was hard physical labor, and how he hoped it would help him sleep at night, because he had major issues with insomnia.
And right then as he was speaking, I had an epiphany. I no longer have problems with insomnia! Before starting the carnivore diet, I used to wake up in the middle of the night, maybe once every week or two, and couldn't get back to sleep for hours. The next day usually was the pits. Since a couple years back, I found a trick that got me back to sleep.
But since starting the carnivore diet, I've had no problems with insomnia. That problem, like many others, just...poof...disappeared. No need to use my trick.
BTW in case you still want the non-carnivore trick, here it is.
  • Have a long poem you'd like to memorize. Have it written out, next to your bed.
  • Prep this ahead of time. Do NOT even CONSIDER doing this on your phone, or an electronic device. Your phone shouldn't be next to your bed anyway.
  • When you wake up at night, turn on the lowest light that's compatible with reading the poem, and start memorizing the poem. Learn a verse, close your eyes and say it in your head, and keep going.
  • You will fall asleep.
I think the reason this worked, before the carnivore diet, is this - I couldn't fall asleep because my mind was on a "worry track". It was just one thought after another, all anxiety-tinged. Memorizing a poem gets your mind on a different track. Kind of like counting sheep, but more effective.