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So if Braves win 2/3 or 3/3 it is irrelevant. If they lose all 3 it is irrelevant. If they win 1/3 it goes to run differential for the week.
Thanks for the clarification! Also thank god they won 9-0 in the first game of the week and have since had close games in general!
A super unique question but one I was curious about and thought of with today's earthquake in NY. I am originally from Houston so in 2017 we got wrecked by Harvey and it nuked the Astros schedule for a couple of weeks. In a situation like that where your home games for instance are moved to another state is that taken into consideration? For example, on Monday once we have locked in picks NY gets hit with another earthquake that damages the stadium and they were supposed to play the whole week at home. The league would postpone a few of the games as they try to set up a secondary location so how would that factor into the whole thing? Would you more or less get a bye due to the circumstances?
It's hard to have provisions for everything. I guess we would have to assess based on the circumstance and determine what affected participants and all other participants think is fair. If it was early in the pool my guess is it would essentially be a bye but I wouldn't want a player to win the pool or avoid their third strike that way if it was later in the pool so we would have to figure it out at that point.
Makes sense to me! Just something that I thought of earlier and since I was talking to you in the pool figured I would see what you said!