Love this list put together by Gurwinder, who made the “Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things” video, shared here: #474595
8 - “We tend to fill gaps in information with emotion” - is highly insightful.
I found 11 and 22 fascinating. People prefer pain to sitting alone with their thoughts or general ambiguity.
I love the term “Nutpicking” in 15, which is a variation of the straw man fallacy.
19 - "Cynical Genius Illusion" hurts my feelings a little, but something I've heard repeated in different contexts lately, especially as new technologies are emerging.
I think some would say 27 is a good pitch for conservatism - “stop chasing the new and seek info that’s stood the test of time.”
I’d be curious to hear which principles stand out to other people here.
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