It's humbling to get older and realize how many of the ways that you think were you being a virtuous genius are kind of like that -- hitching your coattails on something you didn't control, getting benefit from it, then looking around contemptuously at all the idiots who didn't fall into the same good fortune.
There's definitely a place for really owning your mistakes and your successes. But the more common mistake by far, in my experience, is to misattribute them.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 5 Apr
It took me a while to learn this, both blaming and patting myself on the back. I have retired friends now who blame themselves that they didn't prepare well financially, though their hard earned assets have been slowly stolen from them.
This makes me think of the old, wise master who said, "Stay humble, stack sats."
But really in Sanskrit the phrase is/was "Sat Chit Ananda." Which is "Truth, Awareness, Bliss."
Well said!