1. Obviously it depends on the rules and regulations, but in general, yes, I am :)
  2. I don't think I would say "Bitcoin or nothing" -- I don't even call myself a "bitcoin maximalist". I think bitcoin is beautiful and the only cryptocurrency worth working on today is bitcoin. But if bitcoin were to change (for the worse), to become something that no longer can do what it does now, I would walk away from it. My loyalty is to a methodology, an end goal, an orientation towards problem solving and my fellow humans -- not a tribe, a project, or a self-identity.
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So Bitcoin is not a beacon of freedom for you, is just another "project", just another technology to play around with.
143 sats \ 1 reply \ @dhruv OP 4 Apr
Rather the opposite!
so how is freedom for you, if you are willing to comply with whatever govs says?
Compliance is Defiance