Can you talk a bit about your typical customers? Perhaps share 1 or 2 insights that may surprise us stackers (if you feel comfortable sharing)?
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519 sats \ 1 reply \ @dhruv OP 4 Apr
Unchained's collaborative custody model requires holding (typically multiple) hardware wallets, each of which costs ~$100 (or more!). This means our solution isn't suitable for people who have just a few hundreds of dollars worth of bitcoin -- which is most people who own bitcoin!
Most Unchained clients are wholecoiners, the average client holds >10BTC, orders of magnitude above average holdings at most exchanges. Our clients care about privacy, security, and service. We pride ourselves on delivering these :)
Surprise? Perhaps the extreme variance of the kind of people that become our clients. They're not what you might expect if your image of bitcoiners comes from bitcoin podcasts or bitcoin twitter. Our clients can be old or young, they can be extremely technical or they can be folks who fumble with computers. They have all sorts of professions, from programmers, to small business operators, to executives, to stay-at-home moms. I'm extremely proud that our concierge onboarding and support teams have managed to help so many people learn how to use hardware wallets and feel safe holding bitcoin through collaborative custody :)
Awesome. It’s great that you’re providing that personal service and really tailoring that service to them.
It also makes sense to say “our solution isn’t right for you” in some cases. Many companies are afraid of telling customers that these days.