You fear because you didn't paid attention to all my SN posts for the last 3 years now.... I posted so many material how to fight the gov and howto make it OBSOLETE.
But yeah, people do not want to listen me. They only want to ridicule me, yeah I am the crazy one, saying bullshit.
I am the one that challenged a whole gov in court and I won! How ? I rebut any of their claim of authority over me, with a simple question.
I had not read about your successful court challenge.
I know people who refuse to pay US income tax because they claim it is unconstitutional. It's a giant headache for them. And sure they aren't in jail, but they spend so much of their time dealing with the mess it creates.
I still maintain such a stance is a nonstarter for a business.
I posted this link over hundred of times on SN.... It explain so easy how to rebut the IRS
I still maintain such a stance is a nonstarter for a business.
That is exactly what govs want: obedient slaves. Nobody should dare to challenge them. Just obey. But yeah... we want freedom ! Fuck freedom, let's be obedient instead.