Here's something I have done for years. This is not financial advice and I'm not recommending anyone else do it. If you have decent credit, you get 0 % finance offers for credit cards in the mail. If you have a lot of credit card debt at high interest, those offers can help. BUT, and it's a big but, keep this in mind: 1 They are not really 0 %. They charge anywhere from 3-5% up front. It's still a good deal, particularly if the pay back term is more than a year. 2. Set up an autopay for as much as you can afford monthly, and always in excess of the minimum payment due. If you don't make monthly minimum payment, you will lose the interest benefit immediately. 3. Make note of when minimum payment term ends. Then, either plan to pay off the remaining principal before that date, or roll the balance into another 0% offer.
I have bought bitcoin using this method more than once.
I did this but I lost focus and I could not keep score anymore. I had to shut out all the media and wasted energy. This was 2020 to 2021.
I'm excited to have a good view of my mistakes and what I can do to move forward.
It sounds like you were keeping very good score. This is critical. I venture to class myself as retarded.
Getting rid of the chaff is important.
Yeah, it's hard. I'm obsessive about this stuff. It's just the way I am.
I'll just tell you what the train felt like like as it grazed my face.