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has anybody seen IVF rates vs Autism rates? It's something I've wondered about a lot.
I haven’t but interesting idea.
The lack of interest in why this is happening is pretty shocking.
I can’t comment much on this as I am not any expert on the topic. But I’m still waiting for someone who will come up with a vaccination conspiracy.
would like to see this chart next to avg age of parents over time...
That's one of the leading hypotheses, right? Particularly for dads, I think.
My grandfather had a perfectly normal daughter at age 73. I think it’s more on the mothers side
I honestly have no clue lol
You're not going to get it from me. Although, I did hear about a civil case that actually did find that a kid likely did get autism as a result of vaccination.
The answer is more diagnosis. Whether they are correct or not...
I don't think that's the entire answer, but it's part of it. The allusion to possibly rampant overdiagnosis really interests me. Autism seems to have become something of a fad diagnosis for adults to hide behind.
Autism, as an illness, has no existence without diagnosis. Take away the financial incentives it offers, and I suspect you will find "actual cases" drop acutely.
That doesn't sound right. I've definitely met people who clearly meet the colloquial use of "autistic".
How does what I've said preclude those cases?
I would consider myself part of this group.
In my opinion, charts like this always have lagging indicators. For example, the methods for testing autism have improved significantly. Looking back 50 years, autism was not even properly diagnosed.
But my main point would be that autism is a spectrum. There are individuals with Asperger's and others where the distortion is barely recognizable.
Overall, while severe cases still exist, we now see a much greater appreciation for the nuances of autism
Nowdays anyone who is not normal is autistic. Except for severe cases, I suspect that autism now is just a new excuse for the psyquiatric gang, which at the same time are in collusion with the pharma gang.
It’s mainly boys. They should segregate gender
This is good for Bitcoin.
More autists = more bitcoin products, people, and projects. Normies are unable to get it.
These are terrifying data, if it continues to increase at this level, in 20 years we will have 1 in 10 autistic children...
From 1 in 150 children in 2000 to 1 in 36 children in 2020.
And no one, unfortunately, can explain why there is a growing trend of autism or what causes it. 😟😟