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Since we have been able to observe for some time that the countries of the so-called West are consistently heading towards a sovereign debt crisis, one observation can be made: a large part of the new debt is on so-called autopilot. From a political perspective, these are generally social costs that can no longer be questioned. Another good example of this is Germany's famous welfare state! This country is heading for a demographic catastrophe, is in recession and is pursuing downright industrialization and thus losing productivity. The population has been getting poorer per capita for years, and yet social spending is rising exponentially. In the current year alone, over 55 billion euros are expected to be spent on the so-called 'citizen's income'. If we don't succeed in switching off this 'autopilot' with a built-in crash course and cutting the state to a healthy level with radical reforms, the party will one day be over and millions of people will be stuck in a state of dependency, will have learned nothing, will have no solid family structures to hold them and will fall into a bottomless pit. A social crisis was brewing, created by welfare engineers and communists!
Everything is rigged to blow
What's the best way out for a common pleb?
Hard work, Saving in BTC, a lovely strong family and some stiff drinks. Strong nerves and good friends. And antique philosophy and Nietzsche. That's all I learned in my life, sorry.
What about a tacticool repeating crossbow with swappable magazines? To fend off the crazies longing for my btc, ofcourse...
I'll take the over on those CBO forecasts.
My calculation won't fit on this sheet