Since it seems that animals are an enjoyed topic here I wanted to share this sweet photo of a dog I am currently watching! Her name is Scout and she’s a rescue so she always maintains a level of independence from both her owner and with whoever is watching her. A prime example is Scout might get on your bed or even take a nap on your bed but she doesn’t like to sleep with humans (her mom is always bummed about this)!
For whatever reason though Scout has always taken a liking to me. Typically it normally takes her days or weeks to warm up to people but we became besties the first time I was in the office with her! Yesterday when her mom had to leave for a work trip she went to what I call the Scoot Cave (her nickname).
I mean adorable right?!? So last night when I went to bed she had made herself comfortable on her spot on my couch… yes she has her spot and gets pupset when I sit there 😂 Around 3 am this morning I felt her jump up on my bed and try to lay on my head. This isn’t the oddest thing for her to do if she wants attention so I just moved over a little bit so hopefully she would calm down. When I woke up a little bit later around 4 I turned over to see this sight…
Turns out she had completely taken my pillow from me and made it hers! This is the first time she has ever cuddled with me like this and I won’t lie it brought a tear to my eye because it’s how my old dog Rusty would act. When I sent the photo to her mom this morning her mom was super jealous of the cuddles I had gotten! This just goes on to show how lucky we are with pups and how much they love us!
Good story. Sounds like she chose her human.
Her mom is going to be so mad at me when she gets back from her work trip lol! I have no clue why but Scout and I just vibe really well together!