I happen to know several people who have read Saifedean's books, and have more than a fair knowledge of the theory behind Bitcoin and Lightning. How can I help them (and myself) learn more about the coding language from scratch? What resources have worked best for you? Will report my progress over time :)
The main concepts you need to understand IMO are public key encryption and hash functions. The computerphile channel on YouTube has some great stuff.
Good to know - thanks! 🤝🏼
Anyways, regardless of the programming language used - as for me - the best way to learn is to find a good open source project, which is properly designed and implemented, and then try to recreate bits and adjust them to my needs :) Any difficulties that I have, I'm able to overcome with the help of stackoverflow :)
Jimmy Song book Programming bitcoin. Look on Github
Thank you - I will check that out
To which language are referencing to? :) core is written mostly in c++ but there are different client implementations eg. in java
You can probably tell I know nothing about coding. 🤣
If you're a problem solver and you don't get frustrated easily when something isn't working the way it's supposed to (sometimes a simple task might take hours to resolve), then I'd say pick any language, just to learn the basics and take it from there 🙂 Try python maybe?
Sounds great! I shall begin there :)