a lot of people will mainly just read and zap, and they're the people who were previously rewarded with the daily rewards who will use the site less than they did before if only the top x number of posters/commenters are rewarded.
Some of them, but I'm one of the people who primarily gets rewards from zapping. All that's really changed is that the rewards come once a month instead of daily. That probably means people will have to ration a bit more, which is irritating and not ideal.
Perhaps the drive is for the "zappers" to step up their funding of the wallets to fund the zaps, but really I think there are a large number of people who just hope things here are self-sustaining
This is an interesting point. I've brought it up with k00b before. I agree with you, but then who is actually providing the funding for the site to operate off of?
I don't think there are any rewards just for zapping now, are there? Or perhaps for larger amounts?
Yes it's fine to seek more user sat deposits to contribute to the site, and I will topup my wallet from time to time, but I don't think too many people will. It would be great to see more and more users and I think the rewards will drive that, though I have to confess I have no idea how it all really works, who funds the site etc.
I'm only drawing from my own motivations to participate which I expect are shared by others.
70 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 3 Apr
I don't think there are any rewards just for zapping now, are there?
yes, rewards are paid for both creating great content and zapping great content.
some stackers contribute with zaps more than original content, and some more with original content than zaps.
but both are weighted equally in rewards considerations.
Chalk it up on the every-increasing list of things I didn't know.