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We live in an era where various aspects of life are rapidly being digitalized.
What’s happening in the book world? Will the traditional format of physical books endure in the era of digitalization, or will digital books ultimately dominate them?
Physical Books55.2%
29 votes \ poll ended
I love Kindle because of the simplicity of the highlighting and being able to copy / paste everything into a commonplace book (I use Obsidian on mac) but I admit that I find it much more satisfying to scribble notes in the margins of physical books and underline stuff and dog-ear the pages.
I read about 85% physical and 15 e-book (though I try to go kindle-only with one small paperback as backup when I travel).
Even when I travel I prefer to pack 2-3 books. So much of life is already digital physical books are novel.
For me, the deciding factor is am I going to be having to lug this around. If I am traveling then I want an E-book so that I do not need to carry around multiple books but if I am at home or only reading it at home then by far a physical book. E-books for all their pros just lack that page-turning feeling.
I like to read books, but listen to podcasts.
Physical for fiction, audiobook (usually on 1.5x) for non fiction
I've gotten to where I generally prefer reading a Kindle, but I've been reading mostly paper backs lately.
I like it in the old school way. Audiobooks are the worst because I can’t just sit and listen. But then, as an ordinary man, I can’t do two things simultaneously.
Physical books give us real pleasure of reading.
I gotta say, I'm surprised that things lean so heavily towards physical books here. I read about 95% ebooks. I also NEVER read on a phone, or a connected kindle device. I have a disconnected old kindle 4th generation, and transfer books to it via a cable. I use Calibre to organize my books.
I love this setup and read a lot. I don't mind having a separate device (my old kindle) for reading.
Physical but I will enjoy the odd audiobook occasionally. I have never read an e-book.
Physical books, but when I don't have much time, audiobooks, the ones I don't like are ebooks, I end up exhausting my eyes having to read a lot on a screen.
I prefer physical books if possible. However, due to space constraints and ease of use I do a lot of reading on my phone. It's great to just pull out and read while waiting for 20 minutes or so, and I don't need to remember to bring a book or carry it around all day! The availability of free e-books certainly doesn't hurt either.
I mostly prefer physical books. But sometimes I read ebooks too.