Your online platform is clearly your bread & butter. I just wondered if a mini Geyser roadshow & popup shops could be a neat way to bring us meatheads together.
Or perhaps the majority of your projects are so distributed already. In which case, that’s quite a story to tell, with most other funding in Bitcoin trending to U.S & European projects.
this territory is moderated
We'll keep pushing for Geyser to be a global platform, and a tool accessible for all! Since you bring it up, here's what the current distribution looks like on the platform. This shows which regions the creators are from (green-grey), and which regions the contributors are from (colored).
Thats awesome data! Thanks for sharing. Usually that would remain proprietary.
So ~50% of projects from Europe & US and ~75% of contributions originating from there. Much more distributed than I suspected. Congrats.
Creators are adding value around the world, and everyone should have access to this tool. This is part of our mission, to empower creators around the world πŸ€™