Winter months, the outside temp can get down to -30 C, but averages around -15 C.
Summer gets up to 35 C, and doesn't need any heating.
Here is a gas bill to get an idea of heating costs: ... so it's really only being heated from November to May (7 months).
Looking to offset that with some miners (they don't even necessarily have to be the S19 Pro 140T), the S19 96T's are about 1/3 the cost...
Thank you for any input!
You don't provide enough information for someone to provide to you a useful estimate.
The heating expense journal was almost helpful, but it doesn't show the number of units (e.g., Ccf) or even the cost per Ccf. And something doesn't look right ... May probably should not be all that much higher, if not much lower, than was seen for the consumption for heating for October.
Anyway, if miners are the only type of heating, then the only thing that matters is the peak heating needed. The utility bill doesn't give that level of granularity.
Knowing the Ccf consumed on that peak day, an estimate of the number of Joules of heat produced can be estimated. From there, Joules can be converted to Watts. Knowing that, then the number of ASIC devices would be needed can be determined.
Anyway, based on these specs:
The S19XP 140T device consumes 3,010W, or ~72 kWh per day.
The S19J Pro 96T device consumes 2832W, or ~68 kWh per day.
Thank you, I'll work on getting the ccf if I can get a copy of my work's bill
Let's say the number S19J ASICs sufficient to keep the facility heated even on the peak (i.e., coldest and windiest) expected day is five devices. What do you do in the fall, spring, and summer? Power down the number of them that aren't needed? Or will the excess heat just get vented out?
Unless the cost per kWh is relatively low (e.g., $0.10 per kWh or below), it may not be profitable to run the ASICs that aren't needed for the heat. And with the seasonal nature, it may not make sense to invest in the hardware if it is not going to be running more than a few months per year.
Now if natural gas prices were to rise and remain at an elevated level, then having ASICs even running just half the year might make economic sense. But there are many things we just don't know about the future (e.g., future BTC/USD exchange rate, future difficulty, future price per kWH, future price per Ccf for gas, resale value of S19J ASIC several years from now, etc.), that such an endeavor equates to speculation on a number of variable.
Yes very good points to consider. Ideally we'd vent it out during the summer months.
I was also thinking of immersion cooling down the road because my company has products that could offer solutions to the industry and we could use it kind of like a marketing showpiece of our capabilities.
Maybe it'd be best to start small with some S9s to tinker, then consider something more robust. At least with the S9s, we wouldn't feel as bad turning them off if we needed to 😂
Maybe it'd be best to start small with some S9s to tinker,
Reasonable course of action. Especially with it being summer now.
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