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Interesting timing. @kepford and I were talking about similar issues, though there are generational differences. Since I'm old enough to be your grandfather, I imagine my dad if I uttered your words to him. Suffice it to say it would get ugly. It's not a judgment thing. Expectations have changed over the last hundred years. Back then the focus was getting enough food to eat and shelter. Anything else you got in life was a blessing.
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"Interesting timing. @kepford and I were talking about similar issues, though there are generational differences."
Maybe the universe had it's omnipresent hand at play...
Life's gotten easier, but paradoxically also more complicated than it used to be, ain't it?
It's a tough balance to strike.
Expectations have changed over the last hundred years. Back then the focus was getting enough food to eat and shelter. Anything else you got in life was a blessing.
Man is this ever true. The idea of having a job that is "fulfilling" would be absurd to my dad. He never had this expectation. He lost his father before he was a teen and started working to put food on the table. It would be even more absurd to my grandfather.
When I get down about work or money I try to remember my early days working jobs I hated and getting paid peanuts for it. I didn't appreciate things the way I do now. I didn't have the context. I don't have the context for where I am now. I hope its better but still if I reach 70 I'm sure I'll look back on now and see it differently.
Even though I'm old, I can relate more to you than I could to my dad. I don't envy people your age. The world has gotten fucked up, and it wasn't great to start with. I hope this isn't trite, but we are on Stacker News. You have an opportunity to pursue something you love- bitcoin. Maybe you don't feel like I do, but if I was younger I would be learning code and become a dev. It seems like the perfect way to support yourself while making the world a better place. The old cliche, find something you love, and you won't work a day in your life. Hell, I would do that now, at my age, if I had any aptitude for it.
"and it wasn't great to start with." Should I be glad or sad that I've missed that? 😜
"You have an opportunity to pursue something you love- bitcoin."
Oh, I do! Bitcoin really is my "rock in the surf", so to speak, but nothing I could meaningfully contribute to in that way, as I'm simply not the type of a coder or developer or the likes... I hate working with computers and screens all day. 😵🤭.
"The old cliche, find something you love, and you won't work a day in your life."
Work will always be a necessary evil for me, that, I'm pretty sure of...