Modern money is also the funding mechanism behind all modern wars. The US has never paid for its modern forever wars with taxes. If it did, the population would rebel. Instead, the US just prints up as much monopoly money as it needs and exchanges it for aircraft carriers, bombs, and drones. Fiat money is the money of death.
Kinda blew my mind when I realized this is how it works. It also kinda takes the wind out of the "worries" about bitcoin's energy use doesn't it? People really don't like hearing this either. Years ago I used to explain to people how monetary inflation was a tax on the poor. People feel good about this argument. Americans really don't like thinking "we" are the bad guys though. That our military is used to control the world and murder people for the elites. Its a tough pill to swallow.
Americans really don't like thinking "we" are the bad guys though. That our military is used to control the world and murder people for the elites.
And yet, the wars are always very unpopular (except briefly after 9/11). It seems like some dramatic cognitive dissonance.